Video wall on mobile app


Video wall on mobile app

Any info in roadmap on adding video wall support to the mobile app?

19 Replies 19
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@TomislavComtel not that I am aware of at this time.  I will check if there's a feature request in the system for it.  I could see the benefit of perhaps a 2 camera video wall for a left-right split on the mobile app, but beyond that It may not be usable, or might become a visual acuity test 🙂   What I'm thinking (for the mobile app, smaller screens) is maybe a feature to view one camera at a time in a video wall fashion and just use rotation, as opposed to dividing up an already small screen.  Anyway, nothing under development or on the roadmap that I'm aware, and the mobile app is a separate team, not any one specific product team.  Hope that helps.  I'll report back if I get an update. 


Thank you for the info.
Considering new phone displays are not that small, 2 camera view is definitly usable and 4 camera wall is on bigger screens.
What might be good would be a 1 main and rest "clickable" on the side to swap to, similar to webex video interface.
Browsing through a 4 camera system takes a while in the current app.
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I think  there's a market with 6,7" screens that allows an interessting QUICK CHECK with more than 2 camera views, and it could be really usefull in cases where you only chek people is still at some regions... There's an event involving multiple views...And in terms of FAST/QUICK check is really usefull... And simply clicking in the desired VIEW you can magnify the detail level... 


Look examples below:




We love Meraki solutions an we have already installed, more than 100 MV, but we have been asked for this functionalities too, and even compared with 3rd party LOW COST that are implementing similar options, with a really poor product... So keep in mind, it has indubitable benefits for fast checks in different enviroments.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


Hello. We have added video wall support on mobile for camera-only admin. Very soon, this feature will be available to all organization and network admins as well. 


On tablets, you can see more streams on the screen. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Today the mobile app doesn't support the video wall, but we are looking at it for future updates. However, we have optimized dashboard for videowall use in mobile browsers and I find it works really well.





Kind of a big deal

@GeorgeB regarding that. On the last fair my company was on we had booths with iPads (Sentry WiFi ftw) on which I demoed Meraki. I noticed that the click and drag function needed for motion search wasn't working on it, I was limited to selecting one square. Thought I'd let you know.

Head in the Cloud

@GeorgeB Thanks - with a mobile browser we will still be logged out automatically?


All of our clients with MV devices want to use iPads mounted to the walls to view the camera streams. The mobile app doesn't accommodate this and the mobile browser logs them out after a period. 


Any thoughts or information on when the mobile app will get some desperately needed love?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

We are looking at mobile app improvements for MV, but at this time I don't have any updates to share. It is high on our priority list, but we want to make sure we do it right and that takes time.

Head in the Cloud

Thanks @GeorgeB for coming back to me - good to know something is in the works!

Here to help

Any update on this. Every customer we install for ask for a video wall on the App.

Getting noticed

Any update on the timeframe for this feature?


Getting noticed

Some iPads / Tablets have nice large screens

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Video wall on the mobile app is live a few months ago. You can access pre-generated video wall on both phone and tablet. 


Learn more about it here

Head in the Cloud

Thank you @Hanz !


This is great news - Do you know if it keeps the device screen alive when it is on video wall?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Sorry about the late reply. What do you mean "keeps the device screen alive"? Currently, you can keep a video wall up for many hours, and we are constantly improving the performance. 

Alternatively, we have recently launched Meraki Display, an Apple TV app for video wall monitoring, if you are looking for a more permanent installation.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Hanz  I think he means will having a video wall running cause the devices display not to go to sleep or the device lock. Similar to playing a youtube video.

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Head in the Cloud

Exactly that! @BlakeRichardson 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Thank you for clarifying. 

The screen should not go to sleep when viewing a video or a video wall on the enterprise mobile app.

Head in the Cloud

Thanks Hanz!

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