Video decoder people are using

Getting noticed

Video decoder people are using

So we are giving up on the Apple Meraki display. Without true rtsp on Apple devices it’s just too delayed and clients are getting upset. We want to look at rolling out external rtsp decoders and all the videos I found lean towards Axis brand T8705 but that unit was discontinued middle of last year and replaced with the D1110 however the replacement can only do 8 channels not 16. What 16 channel decoders have you guys found that work great with Meraki?

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I've only used the T8705  myself - and it was great.


I've noticed the D1110 is 4k.  I wonder if you limit the streams to 1080P if it can do 16 channels.  Maybe it is only 8 channels of 4k?

Head in the Cloud

The only thing I don't like about Meraki's RTSP feed is there are zero controls for it - it just shoves the full high def stream over it.

BHC Resorts IT Department
Head in the Cloud

@Aquatoes @PhilipDAth 

We purchased a D1110 for testing, and it ONLY supports RTSP with authentication. So that won't work. We confirmed with Axis support this is the only method supported.

BHC Resorts IT Department
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Shizer!  That is the end of that product solution then.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Otherwise (a bit painfull) I would be tempted to use dual screens and dual D1110.

Getting noticed

I might reach out to axis to see if it can do more than 8 on 1080p 


I also did some more research and found that Apple TV can install a cctv app and possibly act as a decoder which may be an inexpensive option for this use case. 

Head in the Cloud

We've been deploying NUCs. Any modern Intel or AMD processor will decode plenty of streams without an issue.

BHC Resorts IT Department
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