Is that a bugfix of a bug present in 4.x?
Would be great if the MV cameras will get IPv6.
It's a bit scary that you can't downgrade after doing this upgrade.
Lol, I didn't notice that, but the MV12W that I upgraded seems to be more responsive and the recalcitrant MT14 reconnected straight away and is still connected.
@julioleal we tried to get a reliable RTSP stream off the camera when on 4.x and like you had issues. I'll see how it behaves now.
Any feedback?
This release is now STABLE, right?
Yes, it moved to stable on the 5th of December. It has been reliable for us though we don't have many cameras.
What version of lighttpd is this running? MV 4.18.1 is 1.4.55 which is susceptible to CVE-2022-22707
@JasonMack I don't know the answer, but 5.1 has replaced 5.0, so you might want the answer for that version.