MV32 Dewarped Viewing via the IOS app on apple

A model citizen

MV32 Dewarped Viewing via the IOS app on apple

When will the IOS app support Dewarped viewing of the MV32.   Yes I know Meraki have added support for dewarping in mobile browsers  but that is ONLY useful for IT savvy people.   Very inconvenient.   The customers just want the simplicity of the app   even if you gave a link in the app to the de-warped view that opened in the browser.  This is the most requested feature I get (other than IPV6 support and better VPN support)

1 Accepted Solution
A model citizen

Have been doing lots of wishing and my wish just came true  !!!!!    You can now de-warp in the IOS app !!!   Yipiee..  Just sent txt messages to clients that have waiting for this feature...    It works great.  Thank you for listening..

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5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

I suppose you've already made wish in the app (I know at least the android one has a make a wish feature, not sure if the IOS one does too)?

A model citizen

Thanks . Yes I got every customer to wish for this !
A model citizen

Have been doing lots of wishing and my wish just came true  !!!!!    You can now de-warp in the IOS app !!!   Yipiee..  Just sent txt messages to clients that have waiting for this feature...    It works great.  Thank you for listening..

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't use the iOS app, but the Android one does this correctly - and Meraki are pro Apple, and usually release updates for Apple first.  So I find this surprising.


Have you tried zooming in on the image to see if that starts the de-warping?

A model citizen

Tried that today in case I had missed that update.   NO zooming in does not work.   Interesting that it works in the android app  and not the IOS app.  I wonder why ??



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