Sensors - Change Connected Access Points


Sensors - Change Connected Access Points



We recently have purchased some of the Meraki MT15 sensors. One issue I have noticed is that a couple are trying to connect to access points not in the immediate area; for instance, a sensor will try to connect to an AP down the corridor rather than one outside of the room. Is there a way to connect somewhat force the access point it connects to? A reboot hasn't done it unfortunately. 


With thanks


2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

You cannot manually choose which gateway an MT will connect to. However, if there's a MV/MR that's a lot closer to the MT that it refuses to connect to, it may be worth opening a support case to ensure the gateway is functioning correctly. 


Thanks Connor! I didn;t think there was but thought I should ask! Both of the APs have the same setup and config so I thought that would have been that. Thank you.

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