MT14 reporting Fair indoor air quality

Getting noticed

MT14 reporting Fair indoor air quality

Just installed my first sensor in our NOC and I'm getting a Fair indoor air quality. According to what I'm seeing, the ambient noise is high and the temperature is low.... Reading the info bubbles, this is based off OSHA guidelines based on an office space. Can this stuff be changed??? It's a NOC not an office.... It's loud because of servers and AC units and cold because it's supposed to me cold.... 




5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Your MT14 dashboard looks very different to mine.



Your TVOC is still calibrating, so it wont have a good handle on the air quality yet.  Note that if you power the MT14 ia the USB port you can also enable PM2.5 sampling (good for detecting something burning, or something wearing abnormally).

Getting noticed

That's interesting.... The TVOC rating is because it was only connected yesterday so I'm sure it will show up soon... Your screenshot doesn't show temp or humidity... Is it because you don't alert on those values?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Something must be broken with my dashboard at the moment.  I don't have the option to display temperature and humidity.  They used to be there ...




Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I am!  I didn't realise it did that.

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