5 free MT licenses to all organizations!

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

5 free MT licenses to all organizations!

Similar to MV Sense, Meraki now provides 5 free MT sensor licenses to all new and existing organizations in perpetuity. No action is required to receive the free licenses. They should automatically appear in dashboard and do not expire.


The 5 free licenses combined with the Meraki sensors 4 for 2 promotion running through January 2022 make it easier than ever to get started with MT. Speak with an Meraki representative today to learn how MT sensors can transform any environment into a smart space and deliver significant business outcomes. 


Free MT Licenses.jpg


Note that the free licenses cannot be transferred to another organization in either co-termination or per-device licensing models.


Refer to the Meraki documentation for more information. 

2 Replies 2
Getting noticed

I just received three LIC-MT-10Y licenses that I ordered in September, and now they aren't needed with these five free licenses. Can they be refunded, or swap them for a different MR or MS licenses?

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@Court given that they are 10 year licenses, you could always hold onto them and apply them at a later date if you decide to scale your operation or test new sensors as they are released. Alternatively, if you feel these are no longer needed I would recommend contacting Meraki support to determine your options. 

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