Hi All,
today a colleague noticed that when creating MX L3 outbound FW rules, the Vlan object option was unavailable to select. after some digging between networks where it is available the only differences I could find is related to Single Unit (standalone MX setup, where the option is visible and configurable) vs a MX HA setup ( 2MX's, option not visible)
I also tried to set it via the API, but this gives errors on the networks with HA setup, where with single MX setup it works fine.
Anyone else noticed?
Is this a bug or what could be the reason why in HA setup the MX FW L3 are not capable of using Vlan objects? (me and my colleague where unable to think of any reason)
As it is not a dealbreaker yet, I didn't raise a ticket for this one. (yet)
Hope someone could point me in right direction.
with regards Yoeri