Ok, having a mental block for correct wiring. Here is the lay of the land:
-Dual MX67 for VPN back to mothership
-Cisco 9300 switch stack running layer 3 for the branch location (/24)
-Primary MX connects to SWX 1
-Warm spare MX connects to SWX 2
Over the years I know the Meraki design preference has shifted away from direct link between each Meraki for VRRP, but I'm seeing issues since the MX's do not participate in spanning tree.
Here is the diagram I modified from Willette's picture for what I believe to be correct.
If I have layer 3 hand-off from MX to switch stack, and the switch stack is running layer 3 for local LANs, is it OK to do direct MX to MX VRRP connection?
If so, uplinks between MX and switch stack is ok to be access? One MX going to SWX 1, while warm spare goes to SWX 2?
If SWX 1 fails will warm spare MX pass the traffic? Or do I need to trunk VLAN 100 between the two MXs with VLAN 1111 being default?