Web API Server connection through static routes

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Web API Server connection through static routes



Currently testing a roll out for a batch of third party android devices across our office sites. The software on these requires web server connection for authentication.


The devices connect as required in the main office site network. We are however having network errors authenticating these devices on a different office site via the api server.


Static routes are configured for the main office site on the Meraki dashboard to a third party router connected to a leased line for access to the specific api server network. Also these devices connect to a specific SSID Wifi network with a subnet on our sites.


We need to understand how we should configure static routes for the second site. Can we add these new set of static routes( at the second site) to hop over to the third party router at the main site as a means to connect to the API server?


Hope someone can decipher/understand this to give a pointer or two on way forward!!


Thanks for reading






The question is how should this be configured



1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

How does the second site connect to your main office?


Does the API site have return routes configured for the second site?

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