VPN with non-Meraki device

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VPN with non-Meraki device

After I changed the Mikrotik router device, I faced the following situation:
VPN Registry: Connected. This security appliance can connect to multiple VPN registries using the UDP port. VPN Registry: Partially connected. This security appliance can connect to at least one registry vpn using the OUTBOUND & UDP port. VPN Registry: Disconnected. This security appliance cannot connect to any VPN registries using outgoing & UDP ports.
NAT type: Friendly. This security appliance is behind a VPN-friendly, local-use NAT, which is NAT-ed to NAT type: None (public IP). This security device has a publicly accessible IP address and is being used as a contact point. NAT type: Unfriendly. This security appliance behind NAT is not VPN friendly, which can be caused by upstream load balancers or strict firewall rules. NAT type: Insufficient registration information. This security device cannot communicate with the registry.
I don't know if this phenomenon should open more ports or do something to make the two devices connect to each other
1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Autovpn should normally just work.  For non meraki vpn you maybe need to forward some ports on the upstream router to the meraki mx ip address  https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Site-to-site_VPN/Site-to-Site_VPN_Settings#NAT_Traversal

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