Does someone know if the configuration on the diagram is possible?
I am looking connection between Azure networks (vMX) and the networks behind MX84.
Yes, It should have to work.
No - that won't work (hairpinning non-Meraki and AutoVPN)
Take a look here: https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Networks_and_Routing/MX_Routing_Behavior#AutoVPN_and_Non-Meraki_...
Why not reduce your hops / latency by building a tunnel directly from the MX84 to the VMX? (I assume the two MX appliances are in different Orgs, hence using non-Meraki VPN to inter-connect)
But you can configure two MX as Non-Meraki VPN Peers and the will be add on the route table. I've configured like that many times and worked as expected.
How does the vmx learn the non meraki vpn routes in that case?
Because normally non meraki vpn routes are not advertised to the other autovpn participants
Hello Gleen,
That was my first option, but for some reason, the non-Meraki VPN won't connect. I have a ticket opened with Meraki.
This solution is not working.
If both tunnels use non-Meraki VPN, this could be configured to work; but that's not what is shown in the diagram