Using a Meraki MX as a LAN router?

A model citizen

Using a Meraki MX as a LAN router?

Looking for options to replace an existing L3 Catalyst 2960. Topology is something like:


Internet <-> Core network <-> L3 Catalyst (acting as a router for a handful of 'facility' VLANs) <-> L2 Switches <-> Endpoints


Everywhere I've deployed an MX has been a spoke facility connecting via the AutoVPN over the internet, so onboarding is pretty easy. Get the MX online, define the VLANs, enable Site-to-Site VPN, and you're off to the races. In this topology, the 'spoke' MX would be on the left-hand side of 'Internet'.


Now, I've got a facility that's direct-connected to our network core via and under-the-street fiber connection, they do not have an internet connection. We have static routes on the core switch pointing at the L3 Catalyst to get traffic to the branch, and vice-versa on the L3 catalyst to get traffic to the core. Works great.


To swap in an MX, though...Most of the topologies I've seen seem to assume the MX will be a spoke of the AutoVPN, not a direct connection to a network core. Any recommendations on this? Is it as simple as swapping the MX in, pointing my core static routes to whatever IP I give the WAN1 interface to get traffic to the facility VLANs, and adding a GWLR static route to my MX telling it to send everything to my core switch?

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Sounds like a job for a L3 capable switch not a Security Appliance like MX.


You can filter on "Layer 3" here to see the many options available.

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