Update VPN Third Party VPN Peers

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Update VPN Third Party VPN Peers

We are currently working on a script that automates the deployment of our third-party VPN. Our objective is to avoid any disruption to the existing tunnels while adding new ones. The API Call that facilitates this operation is: 


PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/thirdPartyVPNPeers


However, it's important to note that since this is a PUT call, it will overwrite all the configurations specified in that particular request, resulting in the deletion and subsequent re-establishment of all the existing tunnels.

Considering the significance of maintaining continuity and uninterrupted business operations, we are exploring potential workarounds to address this issue. We aim to find a solution that allows for the seamless addition of new tunnels while preserving the functionality of the existing ones.


Thank you!


1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It may be a good effort to test first.

It makes sense it will bounce tunnels that are effectively changed.  However if you put the same data that is already there I would be hard pressed to believe it would bounce those unchanged tunnels.


However measuring = knowledge so you might want to have a test bed in a different org and check those.

I don't have a lab with those devices to test this out.

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