Every month or so I get an email from meraki like that:
The security appliance in the <my> network has detected IP conflicts with two or more devices.
The IP is claimed by clients with the following MAC addresses: 00:22:3F:FB:A3:E4 00:22:3F:FB:A3:EC
The IP is claimed by clients with the following MAC addresses: 68:3A:1E:32:40:8E 68:3A:1E:32:4C:4C
The message regarding maps via OUI tool https://www.wireshark.org/tools/oui-lookup.html to 00:22:3F Netgear which is two old but good Netgear GS108T switches. Both have DHCP turned on on the device but in Meraki I assign static IP assignments to them and I can both access them via those static IP and see those assignments in Clients page.
The message regarding appears to have 68:3A:1E Cisco Meraki. I can't see those clients in the Clients page
What might be going on?