Pursuing Always on VPN with Meraki Network

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Pursuing Always on VPN with Meraki Network



We are beginning to look into configuring an Always on VPN for our Endpoints. Currently we are using the Windows Built in VPN client and Meraki Client VPN secured with users AD credentials and DUO 2FA.


Does meraki anyconnect support computer cert based AOVPN? We would like for the computers to connect to the VPN before a user signs in, so the computers will continue to get AD policies during the sign in process.


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.


Thank you!

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee


Meraki AnyConnect does support certificate-based authentication, which can be used to configure AO VPN.

See our guides for additional reference: 


Hope this helps! 

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