My external ip address does not work in 1: 1 NAT

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My external ip address does not work in 1: 1 NAT

Hello to the whole community!


Recently because of a problem in the MX100, a reset had to be made by means of the front button. The WAN1 and WAN2 networks were configured with their respective ip address to the 2 fiber channels associated with the internet service provider but on the contrary as it had been operating previously (WAN1 (WAN2


I do not know if it is because of that that my web server that should operate as external does not work anymore.


Could you please guide me to re-establish the server's external connection?


Thank you very much and see you soon!





5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

Screenshot is showing your public IP as .3 when it would appear to be .2 per WAN 2 info. Typo?
Nolan Herring |
Kind of a big deal

If you did a hard reset then the static IP on the WAN ports is lost and will need to be configured again via the local admin page.

- Ex community all-star (⌐⊙_⊙)
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Actually the address is associated with the fiber service in a channel towards WAN2. The public server would be associated with the address

As for the static configuration of the WAN ports, they have already been configured as seen in the image.

It's more now that I think about it, the error comes from before the MX re-establishment. Now I could not assure you that the problem comes from bad configuration of WAN ports.

I am attentive to some guide to solve my problem .... Thank you!
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I assume you are able to save in in the Meraki dashboard, but that the access to the web server is not working?

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It works if I access a network segment within the local network infrastructure, but outside with the external link it simply tells me that the site is not available.
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