An example of somewhat chronic error we are having with IP address conflict below. We have 2012 Std R2 server authorized as DHCP server and with a failover to another Windows 2012 Std R2 server which is replicating 100%.
"The security appliance in the Lombard - appliance network has detected an IP conflict with two or more devices.
The IP is claimed by clients with the following MAC addresses: 90:E7:C4:D8:77:00 98:E7:F4:27:90:BA"
We need to know if how Meraki determines the IP conflict and the sensitivity of it. This has been an on-going issue and we need to address if we will keep this alert or simply just disable it. We are receiving 6 to 10 of this alerts daily and all coming from different MAC address mostly Android phones and laptop computers.