MX67 // Appliance status ---Primary uplink status change

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MX67 // Appliance status ---Primary uplink status change

hello everyone,
On my MX67 it is frequently switching from wan1 to wan2, affecting network performance.
The wan1 provider tells me that there are no problems on its network and it does not lose packets. However, it doesn't stop switching.
Any idea what could happen? any bug?



Current version: MX 18.107.2






8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It does al kind of checks that could fail


You could also try reboot or upgrade firmware, if you think its a bug



Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Did you notice any 'Ethernet Port Carrier Change' in the event log? 

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No , only "Primary uplink status change"

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Hey Edu_Chico,

If you navigate to Security & SD-WAN --> Appliance Status and click on the Uplink tab, at the bottom of the page you should see uplink statistics for both loss and latency.

Do you see any historical events here that correspond with the time and dates that you observed these WAN switchover events?

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I have no events on WAN1,
Since I have 2 mx, I have switched to MX2 and the network has stabilized, however, MX1 continues to throw the same event in the log


Right now my traffic goes all through WAN1 through MX2 without problem.



Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Please try one of the newer firmwares:






I have uploaded the version to 18.211.2 and I still have the same problems. It happens to me with the two MXs I have.
I do not lose pins against from wan1, however, Meraki frequently switches me to wan2.

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@Edu_Chico thanks for the extra information.

In this instance, I would recommend you raise this with Meraki Support so that we can gather more data and assess the issue in more detail.

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