Also on MX100 and wondering about this, so bumping this thread.
Tested yesterday to connect directly to the fibre to Ethernet converter and thus omitting the MX100 and then the bandwidth to the Internet was 850 Mbit/s down and 936 Mbit/s up on the 1 Gb connection we are paying for. When connected to the MX100 it got down to 382 Mbit/s dow and 394 Mbit/s up. So more than half of available bandwidth is lost.
I know the MX100 does quite a lot, but still that's a bit too much bandwidth lost, no? Any suggestions on what to check?
Firmware is the current release: MX 18.107.2
Aha, maybe it's about this?

If my calculations are right, that setting should give 200 Mb/s to each client, so then I actually get more than I should. 🤔 😃 But maybe that is due to the ”SpeedBurst” setting which boosts the bandwidth for a while over five seconds.