I've experienced this numerous times, but when I do, it's almost never in a state where I have time to deal with support.
We use MS120-8s as DMZ switches. Sometimes when they or the MXs do a reboot/firmware upgrade the WAN Ports do not come back online. If somehow your MS120 is still online you can change the ports to 100/full, which "kicks" them online and then once online change back to auto and you are good to go.
Interestingly enough: https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvu65369/?rfs=iqvred this bug was recently filed on the main Cisco side of the house.
Has anyone else seen this? Did you come up with a solution? It's only MX100s I've seen this in. I can't hardcode to 100/full as my bandwidths are larger than that and while the MS120 allows a hardcode to 1gb, the MX doesn't.