We recently moved all the company's perimeter devices to Meraki MX. All of our locations currently have one ISP into one of the MX's WAN ports, then one of the MX's LAN ports into a Cisco, non-Meraki, switch inside our perimeter. Example;

We are looking into adding a second "backup" ISP circuit and a second Meraki MX at each location for; warm spare, high availability, failover, or whatever it is called, and could use some help with the architecture.
This is the architecture we initially came up with based on various articles, forums, ext... we found online.

As a starting point, is this architecture correct? If not, what do we need to change?
Assuming the first architecture is correct, we also came up with this architecture, which removes the MS hardware outside the perimeter. If this architecture is functionally correct, is it a secure risk to have the switch stack inside and outside the perimeter at the same time?

Thanks everyone in advance for your input and assistance.