Hi There
Just wondering if someone could confirm is the below topology is supported. I have a client with 2 Independent ISP circuits delivered as /31s public ranges
Circuit 1 is on a 10Gb Bearer capped at 2Gb/s and Circuit 2 is a 1Gb bearer @1Gbs
Looking at the HA guide MX_Warm_Spare_-_High_Availability_Pair I cannot see anywhere where is specifies that the interfaces need to match on the MXs configured as a HA pair (unless I missed it). Only that VRRP is required across the LAN
Based on this, as only one circuit runs at 10Gb, could I use 1Gb Fibre, or indeed even 1Gb Copper for connectivity (LAN/WAN or both) for the Warm Spare firewall, as the ISP uplink is only 1Gb.

Obviously aware that a better approach would be 2 X /29 with WAN switches, to allow 2 X VIP sharing across both ISPs, but for now this is not in scope.
Appreciate any comments, thanks