Help Needed: Migrating to Meraki SD-WAN with MPLS

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Help Needed: Migrating to Meraki SD-WAN with MPLS

Hi Community,


We are planning to migrate to the Meraki SD-WAN solution. Currently, our branches have both MPLS and Internet connections, with sites interconnected via the MPLS network. To ensure a smooth migration and a reliable rollback plan, we need to maintain connectivity between migrated branches and other sites using the MPLS network. We are considering two solutions:


  1. Use WAN1 for MPLS and WAN2 for Internet: Create a static route that directs internal traffic to the gateway of WAN1 for each migrated site.

  2. Use WAN1 for MPLS, WAN2 for Internet, and an additional port for MPLS: Create a static route that directs internal traffic to the gateway of the additional port for each migrated site.


We would appreciate any insights or experiences from those who have successfully implemented a similar solution. Please note that we can implement one of these solutions on the HUBs, but we have limited bandwidth on the MPLS.


Thank you !

3 Replies 3
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Just make sure that the MPLS link has internet access.

I am not a Cisco Meraki employee. My suggestions are based on documentation of Meraki best practices and day-to-day experience.

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Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and we can't ask for it at this time 😞

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Wan ports need internet. Then you cant use the mpls on wan port but have to use a setup with lan port


I would rather use full sdwan to a hub. And exchange routes there to your mpls. You could temporary increase bandwidth at that hub location. Asuming you save money not using mpls at the migrated branches

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