Blocking Remote Access/Control Apps

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Blocking Remote Access/Control Apps



Layer 7 rules seem to offer a small set of remote access tools that can be blocked network wide. Is anyone doing this for the more common ones like anydesk, temaviewer, bomgar, specifically the quick access versions?  Can they be applied to a switch vlan?  Hoping to use this while we look at station level whitelisting or as a backup plan. We have a full Meraki stack, MX, MR and MS. 

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Can't comment on the first part of your questions as I don't widely use L7 firewall rules.

As for the second part, you can apply L7 firewall rules to specific clients by using Group Policies.

You can then assign the group policy to the VLAN (which will apply it to all clients on that VLAN), or manually assign it to specific clients.

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