I am attempting to enable SSO for Cisco AnyConnect through Meraki using Azure AD as the Ipd.
I am following this guide:
AnyConnect Azure AD SAML Configuration - Cisco Meraki
Which in step 7 says to set these two values in Azure like this:
If my AnyConnect Server URL is "vtk-qpjgjhmpdh.dynamic-m.com", the Entity ID and Reply URL will be configured as follows:
a. Identifier (Entity ID) - https://vtk-qpjgjhmpdh.dynamic-m.com/saml/sp/metadata/SAML
b. Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) - https://vtk-qpjgjhmpdh.dynamic-m.com/saml/sp/acs
When I test the SSO in Azure it gets pass the Azure authentication and it attempts to load the Reply URL above but I get an error 404 message.
This guide from Microsoft:
Tutorial: Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Cisco AnyConnect - Microsoft ...
Gives slightly different information about what the identifier and Reply URL should be but I am still unable to get the test to work correctly.
Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,