I'm going to suggest a completely different method - zero-trust based.
Use a SAML provider such as Cisco Duo or AzureAD/Entra.
From here you can provide lots of restrictions. For example, you can say that only FIDO2 authentication is acceptable (such as Yubikey). This is the gold standard at the moment because FIDO2 is phishing-resistant. You can also choose to use medium-strength MFA with push notifications.
Please don't use low strength TXT based authentication. 🙂
If you use Intune with AzureAD and have an Azure AD P1 licence or better, you can create a conditional access policy to say access is only allowed from AzureAD joined computers.
If you don't have these licences then Cisco Duo is cheaper. You can stay only allow access from "trusted endpoints".
If money is no object, I would hands down go with Cisco Duo. It is usually cheaper as well. It is very flexible and much easier to drive and manage.
Then you have full ZTNA. You can access from anywhere, but completely tied down.