Hey guys! For what it's worth to anyone else seeking a solution that is both cost effective & simple to setup here's what I did to overcome some issues with my Verizon Mifi 730L (latest Meraki USB compatibility chart for example).
Plugging in the newest USB 730L device(USB ID of 1410:9031)into the back of a MX64, MX100, Z1, Z3, none of that works, it simply won't show up in the dashboard as a Cellular device due to the incompatibility of the USB ID. I shopped around for other modems ON the list, but they were several hundred dollars, Meraki says they didn't have any plans to release an update to allow this to work.

I glanced over at a Raspberry Pi3 I had sitting on my desk....and it hit me. 🙂 I bought a Raspberry Pi3 B+ kit AMAZON a few weeks ago to do some Zabbix monitoring with, but ended up using this in a test scenario and it works brilliantly. Also I'd recommend using a USB powered HUB, I've noticed some Pi's now basically rebooting the USB MIFI when plugged directly in. This isn't ideal, but for a tertiary or secondary backup for an ISP in a pinch this works well until you get the main connection sorted out again.
In short, Install Network Manager on your PI. Launch Network Manager from the start menu, Label each connection accordingly if you wish. Choose the Wired connection, under IPv4 settings, change the "Method" to Shared to other computers.

YOU MAY need to do this below if your PI doesn't automatically use the MIFI as the primary network interface.
Once you have that done, edit your /etc/dhcpcd.conf file. Based upon what interfaces you have and what they're doing, you'll need to change the interface metric on both, to ensure your gateway/traffic always attempts to flow out of your MIFI device, not your local LAN connection(the one you're sharing)
In my case, here is what I have:
etho = LOCAL LAN connection
eth1 = MIFI device
at the bottom of the/etc/dhcpcd.conf file insert the lines below according to what interface is your MIFI (make its metric LOWER than the WiredLAN), then save, reboot the pi.
interface eth1
interface eth0
metric 202
once rebooted, open a terminal window after the MIFI is connected to your usb hub, then the hub to your pi.. run this command below. This will show you what default interface traffic will flow.
Next, simply plug in the LAN cable to a WAN port on a router, laptop, etc. make sure that interface on whatever device you're plugging in has DHCP enabled on that port... once connected, give it a few seconds and check to see if you can get online! That's pretty much it.