Teleworking - Home & Away - Z3C (or not Z3C)
The Z3C does a good job as a hub for wherever one sets up an office. It connects to available LTE networks and handles available wired connections, with aplomb. Unfortunately, it is Billy No Mates with ever pervasive WiFi.
Some of us find ourselves spending time in places where all cellular is blocked, but WiFi is available, this is a gap in the playbook.
Please tell us you are going to address this issue.
Also - one cannot help but notice that there are useful alternatives to corporate VPN technology. There is a trend to moving services to the Cloud and it does make a convincing economic and operational case in many situations. PAAS & SAAS do work. They certainly simplify life. Consequently, I'd ask for a simple, affordable tool for teleworkers access remote services in a consistent and demonstrably secure manner. vMX100, as presently licenced, is too expensive for individual deployment to all an organisation's teleworkers, and for those of us who travel, it gets even more expensive, or complicated.
Keeping the technology relevant is important. Teleworking is not going to go away.