Merry Christmas

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Merry Christmas

If I have my maths right it is now Christmas day (* may not be actual day light) in a large part of the world (sorry UK, you are still yet to see Santa).


So merry Christmas to everyone!



After doing presents with the children I coldn't help myself and did just a little bit of coding.  I'm sitting with my coffee contemplating having a spa, then off to have lunch with the larger family, dinner with friends, and then maybe just a little bit of coding if I can stay awake.



What are you plans for the day?

1 Reply 1

Merry Christmas to all! 🎄🎁🌟


I'll be spending Christmas with both sets of my children's grandparents (it works surprisingly well!), and then heading off to the mountains for much skiing and merriment.


I hope everyone has a wonderful break and that the forums are nice and quiet 🙂

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