MX650 Datasheet
Change: New article.
Using the Cisco Secure Client Diagnostics and Reporting Tool (DART)
Change: New article.
Meraki Assurance Overview Page
Change: New article.
Secure Connect:
Cisco Secure Connect Account Setup FAQ
Change: Added FAQs regarding "The new provisioning process and API keys".
AnyConnect on the MX Appliance
Change: Added note that the magnetized AnyConnect Settings page in now available through the Early Access page.
NAT Exceptions with Manual Inbound Firewall on MX Security Appliances
Change: Added note "If your MX is configured for Passthrough mode, the default firewall rule is Allow Any Any".
VPN Full-Tunnel Exclusion (Application and IP/URL Based Local Internet Breakout)
Change: Added note "If you intend to use Application Based VPN Exclusions on templates, you must be using both MX SD-WAN+ as well as Z Secure Teleworker Licenses."
Configuring DNS Nameservers for DHCP
Change: Added note that "the MX is capable of proxying up to 150 outstanding DNS queries at a time. For use cases that require more than 150 concurrent queries, use a public or local DNS server".
Site-to-Site VPN Settings
Change: Added limitation "Non-Meraki VPN connections are only established over the active WAN uplink, and cannot be established across multiple WAN uplinks."
MS and CS Firmware Features Directory
Change: Added MS 17.
MS130 Datasheet
Change: Added mGig port speeds (100M/1G/2.5G).
RF Profiles
Change: Added instructions how to select only 5-hi or 5-lo channels for the 5 GHz band in Channel assignment method.
MR36H Installation Guide
Change: Updated the LED behaviour for the bottom ethernet ports.
Meraki Vision Portal Changelog
Change: Added release notes for up to v1.19.2.
MV Sense Custom Computer Vision
Change: Added sections "Custom CV Webhooks", "cURL", "Python Requests" and "How do I manage filters?".
Sharing Video
Change: Updated validity for sharing links: "The 'Download Now' link for an export can be used for one hour, from the time of page load. Refreshing the dashboard page generates a new download link. The 'Copy link to clipboard' button, generates a 7 day link, to download the export."
Trusted Access for Secure Wireless Connectivity - Setup Guide
Change: Added note "End users will have a corresponding profile to install for Wi-Fi access (from portal.meraki.com) for each Trusted Access SSID created on a MR network. This can lead to multiple profiles for users to download for access (one for each SSID). Administrators deploying the same SSID name across various MR networks and wishing to simplify the end user's experience may consider the option of a MR Wireless template. A Wireless network template allows a single profile for users to install for Wi-Fi access while still being able to authenticate into every SSID."
General Administration:
Using the Cisco Meraki Device Local Status Page
Change: Added note about TLS support for the Local Status Page for all MR access points with firmware MR 31.1.
Small Remote or Home Office VPN Options
Change: Added section "Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect)".