New articles:
Overview and FAQ: MX Product Platforms Restricted in MX18.1
Change: New article.
Deploying Meraki vMX in a Transit VPC with AWS Cloud WAN Tunnel-Less Connect
Change: New article.
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst:
Monitoring Catalyst Wireless 9800 Controllers
Change: Added Assurance Alert "Access Point count exceeded allowed threshold".
Connecting Catalyst 9800 Wireless Controller to Dashboard
Change: Added section "Access Point Registration Prerequisites".
Blocking Inbound Traffic on MX Security Appliances
Change: Added an example to section "Details"; added section "Traffic Flow using Port Forwarding Rule".
Client-Tracking Options
Change: Added note "When modifying the 'Client tracking' the change will reset any client device with a manually configured group policy associated. Manual group policies are on the Network-Wide > Monitor > Clients page under the policy column. If a policy is needed for a particular associated device, it must be re-added once the change is made and the device populates on the client list."
AnyConnect on the MX Appliance
Change: Added note "Depending on your operating system the output of ipconfig/ifconfig may show a default gateway of and subnet mask of This is expected behavior and does not affect the functionality of AnyConnect."
MX Access Policies (802.1X)
Change: Added Z4(C).
Z4 Datasheet
Z4C Datasheet
MX67 and MX68 Datasheet
Change: Added "802.1X wired and wireless support".
Using the MX Live tools
Change: Added note "When the WAN appliance is in an HA pair the "Reboot WAN appliance" button only reboots the current appliance and not both."
Meraki and ThousandEyes Integration Troubleshooting
Change: Added troubleshooting for issue "A ThousandEyes Organization already exists for this Account. Please contact your company's ThousandEyes Platform Administrator or ThousandEyes Support and share this ID."
Frequently Asked Questions for Cisco Meraki Access Point Antennas
Change: Added "How many CW-ANT-D1-NS-00 patch antennas do I need?" and "What is the correct way to cable the CW-ANT-D1-NS-00 patch antenna?".
Wi-Fi Personal Network (WPN)
Change: Added note "Please ensure to unassign an iPSK from a port profile before attempting to delete this iPSK. Otherwise, the Meraki dashboard will display a validation error."
SoluM Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Integration with MRs
Hanshow Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Integration with MRs
Change: Added CW9166D1-MR and CW9163E-MR.
VusionGroup Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Integration with MRs
Change: Renamed from "SES-imagotag" to "VusionGroup"; added MR46E as "not supported"; added CW9166D1-MR and CW9163E-MR as "planned".
Wireless (MR) Firmware Features Directory
Change: Added CW9162-MR, CW9164-MR, CW9166I-MR, CW9166D1-MR and CW9163E-MR.
MV Object Detection
MV People Detection
MV Presence Analytics
Change: Added note "If there are no detections on the camera and no MQTT output for a camera, please ensure the camera is receiving the correct PoE power as stated in its datasheet. To see if you're hitting this issue, search the Event Log for Event Type "PoE power error. Incorrect PoE standard detected." which will be logged when the camera boots."
General Administration:
Returns (RMAs), Warranties and End-of-Life Information
Change: Clarified wording that only Meraki accessories fall under the warranty coverage.
Small-Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) and Stacking Accessories
Change: Added note "Cisco Optics Compatibility".
Layer 3 and 7 Firewall Processing Order
Change: Added note "Additionally, MX VLAN interfaces and the MX WAN IP addresses, themselves, are not considered in Allow or Deny rules".
SP-Initiated SAML SSO Configuration Guide
Change: Added note that the SSO Login URL is required for SP-initiated SAML to function properly; added note that a Meraki admin account needs to be deleted from dashboard and then re-introduced as a SAML account, in order to convert an existing non-SAML Meraki admin account to a SAML account. The username attribute cannot match an existing Dashboard administrator or Meraki Authentication user's email address configured on any Dashboard Organization.
FAQ: Scheduled Maintenance Impacting Order and Device Claiming on the Meraki Dashboard
Change: Move all dates to one week into the future: the mentioned maintenance will take place from June 6, 2024, at 23:00 to June 7, 2024, 01:00 UTC.