New articles:
Dynamic Protocol Status
Change: New article.
Traffic Mirroring
Change: New article.
Change: New article.
Cisco MG52 AT&T eSIM Activation FAQ
eSIM Activation Guide
Sim Ordering Guide
Change: New articles.
Role-Based Access Control Wireless Beta Program
Change: New article.
Cisco Secure Connect - Client-based ZTNA
Cisco Secure Connect - Client-based ZTNA Enablement for Existing Customers
Change: New articles.
Secure Connect:
Cisco Secure Connect - Client-based ZTNA
Change: Added Apple iOS and Samsung (Android) to "Prerequisites & Requirement"; added sections "Deploy Zero Trust Access Module", "Enroll in Zero Trust Access" and "Unenroll a Device from Zero Trust Access".
Cisco Secure Connect - ZTNA Endpoint Posture Profile
Cisco Secure Connect - Defining Private Resources & Apps
Change: General article refresh.
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst:
Cloud Monitoring Overview and FAQ
Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst Onboarding
Change: Updated supported firmware versions (17.3.1 - 17.10.1 and 17.12.3).
MG IP Passthrough
Change: Updated behavior of LAN 1: "Labeled LAN port 1 will no longer be used for data transfer, only PoE purposes."
AnyConnect on the MX Appliance
Change: Added "Changing the Server Certificate Generation Method back to the default option of Auto-Generated from Custom will cause the MX to delete the current uploaded custom certificate."
Meraki MX ThousandEyes Configuration Guide
Change: Added Meraki and ThousandEyes domains/endpoints to be allowed for "Topology 4: Full AutoVPN Tunnel to Secure Connect, Umbrella, or any Internet Gateway".
Configuring Site to Site VPN tunnels to Azure VPN Gateway
Change: Added "Each time, after creating a new tunnel, send traffic (a ping will suffice) from a client in a VPN-enabled VLAN behind the MX to a subnet behind the Azure gateway to bring the tunnel up."
SD-WAN and Traffic Shaping
Change: Added "ICMP traffic is not subject to traffic shaping rules. As a result, Flow Preference will have no impact on ICMP traffic."
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Change: Added "When establishing eBGP peering in on the WAN, NAT Exceptions with Manual Inbound Firewall is also needed, otherwise the subnets advertised by the MX will be behind NAT and not reachable via eBGP upstream."
MX and Z-Series Wireless Settings
Change: Updated wording about channel selection: "Wireless MX's and Z-series devices leveraging the WiFi 5 channel settings page do not support the manual configuration of DFS (UNII-2 and UNII-2E) channels, but will use these channels when leveraging Auto Channel."
Meraki and ThousandEyes Integration Troubleshooting
Change: Added "Issue: A ThousandEyes Organization already exists for this user. Please contact your company's ThousandEyes Platform Administrator or ThousandEyes Support."
MS DHCP Servers
Change: Added section "RA Guard".
Switch Stacks
Change: Added "Cloud-managed Catalyst switches may take several seconds to resume passing traffic after the Active Member has failed due to the Meraki management container having to reinitialize on the new Active Member."
Advanced MS Setup Guide
Change: Added C9300-M.
MS OSPF Overview
Change: Added OSPF Interface Passive states description.
MS Switch Access Policies (802.1X)
Change: Added "The critical data and critical voice VLANs should not be the same."
MS130 Datasheet
Change: Updated power input of MS130-8P-I: "100-240V~, 2.8A-1.2A, 50-60Hz".
WPA3 Encryption and Configuration Guide
Change: Added note "This feature is available from 31.1.x and above firmware versions." to section "WPA3 Transition Mode for RADIUS Authentication".
Roaming Technologies
Change: Added note that PMK caching and OKC are leveraged when using OWE, WPA3-Personal, and WPA2/3 Enterprise; added "PMK caching and OKC aren't leveraged when using WPA2-Personal because the client(s) and access point(s) already know everything required to derive the PMK (SSID name and password)."
RADIUS Failover and Retry Details
Change: Added "MRs will send Status-Server messages every 60 seconds to execute RADIUS failback tests and ensure that the primary server has returned online."
Scanning API for Location Analytics Solutions
Change: Added section "Meraki Scanning APIs V3 Update".
RF Spectrum Page Overview
Change: Added "Avg. channel utilization (6 GHz) - Average utilization over the last 80 seconds for the AP's client-facing 6 GHz radio channel."
Meraki Authentication Server Certificate Rotations
Change: Added "The common name of the certificate will remain radius.meraki.com between rotations. If clients can remain trusting this service certificate common name there should be no impact from this certificate transition."; added section "Timeline overview".
Meraki Vision Portal Changelog
Change: Added release notes for up to v1.21.0.
MT10 Installation Guide - Temperature and Humidity
Change: Added "The MT10 temperature sensor and the MT11 temperature probes use a digital sensor that comes pre-calibrated during the manufacturing process. This means no calibration is required during the product life cycle."
General Administration:
Syslog Event Types and Log Samples
Change: Added AnyConnect VPN events; added post MX 15.12 VPN events.
Authentication Enhancements and New Dashboard Security Features
Change: Added "Government Account passwords must be at least 14 characters long."
Product Firmware Version Restrictions
Change: Updated Minimum Runnable Firmware for MG52 to MG 3.200.
Cisco Meraki Dashboard API
Change: Updated section "Generate API Key": "Cisco Meraki Dashboard API is enabled by default on all organizations. To generate an API key, go to the My Profile page accessed via the avatar icon in the top right-hand corner of dashboard."
Throughput test to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard
Change: Added "In order to leverage the full performance of a device, multiple sessions must be leveraged. This is best done by an endpoint or client, as the dashboard throughput tool creates a single session."
How to convert an org from Co-term to Per Device licensing
How to unassign a queued license in PDL
Meraki Licensing FAQs
Meraki Per-Device Licensing Overview
Meraki Per-Device Licensing - Configuration
The Science behind Per-Device Licensing
Meraki MR License Guide
Change: Added "Conversions to PDL will no longer be accepted. Customers should reach out to their Meraki Sales Representative to explore alternative options such as co-term or subscription licensing."
Cisco SecureX Sign-On Integration
Change: Added "Cisco has announced that the last day for support for Cisco SecureX is July 31, 2024. You can read more about the SecureX end-of-sale and end-of-life by clicking here."
Meraki Device-to-Cloud Connectivity - FIPS
Change: Added MG; updated "FIPS-140 Compliant Firmware Versions" for MX, MS and MR.