Documentation Digest: July 15th - August 4th

Meraki Alumni (Retired)
Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Documentation Digest: July 15th - August 4th




Hi Community,


Below are the most important changes to our documentation between July 15th and August 4th:


Information for Gov Cloud users

Creating a Dashboard Account and Organization in Meraki for Government

Change: New articles.


MT Sensors Security Architecture

Change: New article.


Cisco+ Secure Connect Foundation Meraki SD-WAN Integration

Change: Added "US Midwest" to Data Center Availability.


MX Routing Behavior

Change: Added note that Auto VPN routes take precedence over Non-Meraki VPN Peers, BGP learned routes, and NAT, even when the Auto VPN routes are down.


Connection Monitoring for WAN Failover

Change: Added note that a failover would take place immediately, if a physical link is not detected.


Switch Ports

Change: Added note that MS355 does not support half duplex.


Using the Cable Test Live tool

Using the MS Live Tools

Change: Added note that the MS cable test tool tool is intended for testing copper twisted-pair cabling and not intended for use with fiber-optic cabling.


MS Switch Access Policies (802.1X)

Change: Added note that MS390 has an exception to the Called-Station-Id. It will send the MACID of the switch port in the Called-Station-Id AVP.


Switch Stacks

Change: Added section "Layer 3 Interface Configuration".


Wireless (MR) Firmware Features Directory

Change: Added features "View iPSK Name Used by Clients", "Wireless Client Isolation + Bonjour Forwarding", "UNII-5 6GHz Support in Japan", "IPv6 Improvements" and "WPN Support on MR30H/MR36H Wired Ports" to list of MR 30.x features.


CW9164 Installation Guide

Change: Added warning that powering the AP with 802.3af power source is not supported and not tested. Functionality and performance of APs using 802.3af mode is not guaranteed. 802.3af is a lower power standard.


Meraki Vision Changelog

Change: Added release notes for up to v1.9.6.


Meraki Display Licensing

Change: Added note that the Meraki Display app must be signed into using a full organization admin's credentials in order for licenses to apply correctly. Signing in with any other credentials (ie. network level admin or personal email) will instead begin a trial.


MT40 Installation Guide - Smart Power Controller

Change: Added image of wiring options.


MT Automation Builder

Change: Added note that creating automations requires full organization or network admin permissions.


Deploying Powershell and Shell Scripts in Systems Manager

Change: Added section "Known issues and upcoming enhancements".


Enrolling and Supervising Apple Devices using the iOS Apple Configurator app

Change: Added sections "Target Device Network Configuration (optional)" and "MDM Server / ADE Token Selection (optional)". Added note to grant Bluetooth and camera permissions when prompted, both are required for the enrollment process.


Systems Manager Agent Release Notes

Change: Added release notes for up to v3.7.2.


Systems Manager Logging and Troubleshooting

Change: Added instructions on how to pull Meraki Agent logs for Windows and macOS.


Calculating BTU Consumption for Cisco Meraki Products

Change: Added MG51.


Troubleshooting MTU Issues

Change: Added max MTU for PPPoE Uplinks.


Managing Dashboard Administrators and Permissions

Change: Added section "Resending confirmation e-mail".


Contacts for Webinar and CMNO, CMNA, ECMS Equipment

Change: Added note that the CMNA program renews licenses automatically for compliant organizations. If the organization does not meet the requirements for auto renewal, the license will not be renewed.


Radio Settings

Change: Added references to free online training courses on the Meraki Learning Hub.



Cisco+ Secure Connect - Remote Access

Change: Added reference to system requirements for the Cisco Secure client.


Cisco+ Secure Connect Data Center List

Change: Multiple changes in every region.


Security and SD-WAN (MX,Z) Features Directory

Change: Added ThousandEyes agent to list of MX 18.1.X Firmware Features.


IPv6 Device Compatibility

Change: Added note that support for IPv6 addresses for switch management is available on MS starting firmware version MS 15.1.


Wi-Fi Personal Network (WPN)

Change: Added section "MR 30.X WPN Enhancements".


RF Profiles

Change: Added note about EIRP calculation.


Mobile App - Camera Experience

Change: Added "Audio on/off" to Video Player capabilities.


iOS Single App Mode in Systems Manager

Change: Added section "Considerations".


Configuration Settings Payloads

Change: Added "ChromeOS (L2TP only)" as supported OS for "VPN Settings".


Capturing Wireless Traffic from a Client Machine

RF Profiles

Meraki Health - MR Access Point Details

Common Wireless Event Log Messages and Issues

Wireless Issue Resolution Guide

Using the MR Live Tools

Network Service Health

Change: Added references to free online training courses on the Meraki Learning Hub.


BETA: Meraki MX ThousandEyes Configuration Guide

Change: New article.


Netskope Integration Overview

Change: New article.


Prisma Access Integration Overview

Change: New article.


Reserved IP Addresses (regarding Cisco+ Secure Connect)

Change: New article.


Cisco+ Secure Connect

Change: Added section "Package Options".


MG51/51E Technical Specifications

Change: Added "One NZ (AU), Spark (AU)" to certified carriers and change status for AT&T FirstNet to "certified".


MX Templates Best Practices

Change: Added note about expected behavior of a "Host" address, if subnets are smaller than /24.


MX Firewall Settings

Change: Added note that configured firewall rules are flow based, this means that once a change is made a flow will continue until that flow times out.


MX Routing Behavior

Change: Added note that both peers must configure a private subnet of as its private subnet for the IPsec SAs to be created successfully, if a full tunnel is required.


Site-to-Site VPN Settings

Change: Extended description of Local ID for Non-Meraki VPN.


AnyConnect Authentication Methods

Change: Added methods on how to join the "Systems Manager Sentry authentication" and "Certificate-only authentication" betas.


vMX Setup Guide for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Change: Added note to view the instance screenshot to view the current status (Token Expired, Invalid Token, Unable to reach Meraki Dashboard) during setup.


MS Switch Access Policies (802.1X)

Change: Added note about "802.1X Canned EAP Success" event.


Switch Stacks

Change: Added note that not all MS390 member switches will appear online until the stack is fully configured in the dashboard.


Meraki MS Group Policy Access Control Lists

Change: Added note that spaces in the group policy name are not supported.


Frequently Asked Questions for Cisco Meraki Access Point Antennas

Change: Added question "Is there a quick reference sheet comparing these indoor antennas?"


Band Steering

Change: Added behavior for 802.11v and non-802.11v clients.


Splash Page Details for Meraki MR

Change: Added deprecation notice for Facebook Login.


SES-imagotag Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) Integration with MRs

Change: Changed SES ESL Integration Status for CW MRs to "Supported".


MR57 Dual Uplink High Availability

Change: Added minimum firmware support for Dual Uplink High Availability (MR 30-1).


MV Datasheets

Change: Added references to all camera datasheets.


MV52 Installation Guide

Change: Added note that only digital rotation will be available from the dashboard at increments of 180°, due to the lens' fixed nature.


Meraki Vision Changelog

Change: Added release notes for up to v1.9.5.


Meraki Display Licensing

Change: Added Meraki Display Licensing SKUs.


Deploying Powershell and Shell Scripts in Systems Manager

Change: Added multiple example scripts.


Using Custom Apple Profiles with Systems Manager

Change: Added note that macOS server has been discontinued by Apple and is no longer offered to new users.


Cisco Meraki Dashboard API

Change: Added note that Single Sign On (SSO) users will not be able to generate API keys.


Blocking and Allowing Clients

Change: Added note that RADIUS attributes that would assign a bandwidth limit to a client are considered before any Dashboard assigned configuration and a device would still be subject to these bandwidth limits if allow listed.


Customizing the Splash Page

Change: Added note to ensure all URLS have https:// prepended or the URL may not work for "a" HTML tag.


Managing Dashboard Administrators and Permissions

Change: Added description for the "None" Organization Permission Type.


Meraki Health - Client Details

Meraki Health Overview

Alerts and Notifications

Clients Usage Page Overview

Spectrum Analysis Overview

Conducting Site Surveys with MR Access Points

Common Sources of Wireless Interference

Transmit Power and Antenna Configuration

Best Practice Design - MR Wireless

Meraki Auto RF: Wi-Fi Channel and Power Management

Air Marshal

Calculating Cisco Meraki BSSID MAC Addresses

Mitigating a Spoofed AP

Continuous WPA Deauthentication Events when using WPA2-PSK

Change: Added references to free online training courses on the Meraki Learning Hub.

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Wow - that is a lot of updates!

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Could we have a Digest of the Digest?

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.
Just browsing

I received that automated email on my CMNA renewal that I do not meet the requirement because I don't work for a Cisco Meraki authorized reseller which I clearly do and they sent this no renewal notice to my work email which is tied to my employer which is an authorized Meraki reseller and we just sold a bunch of Meraki hardware during Cisco EOY. And then they said for questions send it to which I did and it turns out it was another non-monitored automated mailbox indicating the renewal is automatic and no longer manual process with no human support. So I guess I have to look for another partner's hardware to deploy in our lab.

Building a reputation

Hehe. This is something several partners were facing. I just wrote an email to them aswell and let's see 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

@MK7 - I apologize I did not see your message about this until now. Thank you and @MerryAki for raising this question here! I'm sorry for the frustration you've felt of reaching out and not getting a response. 


Meraki is currently going through some changes in how we manage promo gear, and executive leadership is working on a more sustainable and long term solution. Until then, Cisco partners can obtain licenses via the NFR process. Please work with your ordering team to request NFR licensing. More info on that can be found here:


I've also notified our internal team to update the documentation and auto emails about this. 

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