Finally i got my "All Star Hall of Fame" Meraki Swag, Thanks @MeredithW @CarolineS
My Partner @BrandonS
Congrats. I just got mine too so I hope you didn’t mind me tagging onto your thank you post 😉 Thanks Meraki!
@BrandonS : You are my Partner for Mid Term Meraki Semester 🙂
Love the playing cards, not seen those before 👍
@cmr : Those playing cards are awesome !
Now that is a haul of swag!
Yes, great swag!!! 🙂
But the most important and burning question is: What is the correct way to assemble the "thing". I've put the grey element on the bottom and the green element on top of that. For me that looks better, but will it "work" that way? 😉
@KarstenI : Not sure the way to assemble it... i think you are right !
I stack the years on top of the green, then each year you can just put the latest on top 😎
Congratulations !