dashboard.meraki.com has high response time

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dashboard.meraki.com has high response time

I have an alert in SolarWinds to monitor response time between the server and dashboard.meraki.com. If response time is above 1000ms then send an email. It is doing it every couple of hours or so and it is showing the response time is ~37,000ms. 


I have a continuous ping to the ip address of dashboard.meraki.com and it has not dropped and shows a constant RTT of ~4ms. 


Why is SolarWinds reporting high response times to dashboard.meraki.com?

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Is it following redirects and downloading all content - or strictly just retrieving the URL?  If it is downloading all content, perhaps some of the third party components are loading slowly, and are being fired after normal page load by javascript.


When I test it - I get a redirect being returned - so it should be very fast to retrieve just the redirect.

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