My Co-terminal License will get expired coming Aug 31. Kindly give direction for below scenario
Please confirm the following scenarios:
Meraki Firewall in front of SDWAN - When the firewall licenses reach the end of their grace period, all client traffic past the firewall will be blocked. Users will not have internet access, and Will Be Blocked from communicating with other TPI locations, AWS and Oracle via SDWAN.
Meraki Firewall behind SDWAN - When the firewall licenses reach the end of their grace period, all client traffic past the firewall will be blocked. Users will not have internet access, and Will Not Be Blocked from communicating with other TPI locations, AWS and Oracle via SDWAN.
For the RI, IA, AZ, Santa Teresa, India, Denmark and Germany locations, how many are designed with the firewall in front of the SDWAN devices?