Hello Guys,
I have been tasked to Merge 2 different configuration into only 1
18 Networks
Only the MDM
I asked the meraki Support and they replied they can only move the licensing from one org to another, so i have to figured out how to copy all the configuration first.
Is there any script which connect to both org via API that can do the copy?
Any other idea ?
Thank you 🙂
You realise to move DEP enrolled or Supervised devices between orgs you'll have to wipe them?
I'm not aware of any way to copy settings.
From what I know this isn't possible. Taking screenshots or using a second web browser and setting aside a few hours is your only option. As mentioned any exisiting devices will need to be wiped for them to work.
Thats scary ... thank you for the info
I guess there is no other way
"Fine ... i will do it myself than" *with Thanos voice
@Guerrini its one of those jobs where you need to have a nice big pot of tea or coffee and some headphones with your favourite album or a good audiobook.
Even better is being able to delegate it to someone else 😂
Had to do the same thing a few months ago. You will have to copy paste every setting manually.
There isn't even a possibility to download the settings as a mobileconfig file.
Open two browser tabs on two screens and start 🙂