Having issues enrolling ADE iPads


Having issues enrolling ADE iPads

Enrollment was working on the previous batch of iPads, but now it will not download the configuration profile.  If I remove the device from ADE and set it up manually, it will allow me to enroll.  I have 50 new iPads that I do not wish to manually enroll.  


The devices will bring up the Remote Management page, and show the download link for the config profile, but when you click "download" it does nothing.  If I long press on the download button, it brings up a small preview page that has the "This website is trying to download a configuration profile.  Do you want to allow this".  It shows "ignore" and "Allow", but when I press allow it goes back to the download page.


Initial ScreenInitial ScreenLong press "Download"Long press "Download"

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Maybe @BlakeRichardson might be able to help ...

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Jd1971 it seems like ADE doesn't know what MDM you want to use for the devices. 



In your ASM/ABM instance if you go to Preferences and then MDM Server assignment have you configured your default MDM for each device type?  See the screenshot below.


Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 10.55.45 AM.png

If you can't configure a default MDM this way because you use multiple MDM's you can do it per device by clicking on the devices from the Devices menu and then clicking Edit MDM Server 


Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 10.57.50 AM.png

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Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Hey @Jd1971 ,


This usually happens when the authentication method for the SM network is different than what is configured on the ADE profile.


When configuring an ADE profile we are given the option to require authentication in order to enroll via ADE, there is also then an option under Systems Manager > General > Enrollment Settings, if there's a mismatch between these two (e.g. in the ADE profile you've selected to use authentication, but it's disabled on Dashboard) the user will be shown this page to download the profile manually (which won't work during the setup flow). 






Auth setting in the ADE profileSystems Manager > General > Enrollment Settings


Make sure these are aligned, feel free to drop me a DM with a link to your Dashboard and I can have a look for you too. Alternatively Support should be able to assist.


Cheers, Connor.


i am still having issues even afterr matching the settings.  Perhaps I have an incorrect enrollment URL?  I will dm you the link to my dashboard.



Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

@Jd1971 Just checking in to see if you were able to get this sorted or if you still need assistance enrolling in your network. Please let me know and I would be happy to assist. 

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Yes, I am still having issues.  I was dormant over the holiday break, but I need to try and find a solution.  We are about to give up on auto enrolling and just manually enroll them.


What can I do to facilitate your access?




Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Ok, I received your PM with your dashboard and sent you some instructions that link to this KB https://documentation.meraki.com/SM/Device_Enrollment/Apple_Automated_Device_Enrollment_(ADE)#Assign...

Let me know if that fixes the issue for you or like I mentioned go ahead and create a support ticket and send it to me. 

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