AHRC Nassau is a non-profit that empowers people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live self-directed lives.
The purpose of this project was to be able to monitor and get insight into all our corporate offices, houses and day-habs. We currently have 136 Meraki networks supporting about 3,000 employees and over 3,000 individuals. We are using MS250-48FP switches, MR45's & MR52's in our corporate offices, schools and clinics. MX65W, MX68W and MR33's in our houses and hub-sites. Meraki has been a god send because we are able to be proactive instead of reactive with our support. We have setup alerts on our system to let us know when issues are occurring. We are able to monitor usage to ensure we are meeting the needs of our users. We are hoping to continue to build out our Meraki network so that all networking equipment is Meraki.