Firmware and Feature Update Management

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Manage firmware updates and test in live customer environments prior to roll-out

What are you offering? Use Meraki’s single pane of glass and no-touch firmware updates to your customers advantage, testing in small environments before broad roll-out
How do you charge for this?
  • Monthly a-la-carte charge on top of MSP pricing
  • Inclusive in premium package MSP pricing
  • Pay per product architecture or site
What resources do you need to sell this?
Why is this valuable?
  • Allows customers to trial Dashboard updates/new features prior to broader roll-out
  • Collaborate and educate customers on the most important aspects of their networks
  • Non-rival costs once setup


Meraki future proofs hardware with ongoing firmware and feature updates. Enable your customers to take full advantage.

Meraki’s future-proof technology is one of the most valuable aspects of our products. Enable your customers to realize every cent of it.


Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 8.58.17 PM.png Finance Some customers trend more conservative than others. Being able to build into your SLA’s that you will “test Meraki Firmware/Feature updates in a live customer environment prior to broad roll-out” is hugely valuable to customers with low risk profiles.
  • Include as part of “premium” Managed service
  • Include as a la carte option for Managed Service
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 8.59.11 PM.png Retail Certain industries have legal obligations tied to their networking infrastructure (such are POS devices that transact over wireless networks). Enabling a “test” option to ensure PCI compliance after every Firmware update is a low cost/high value to add to your services portfolio. .
  • Include as part of “premium” Managed service
  • Include as a la carte option for Managed Service
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.01.07 PM.png Get Creative! Break down your core value to customers and then dig into which aspects of Dashboard you can monetize and structure Firmware and Feature Update Management services around!


Previous: Firmware and Feature Update Management                                 Next: Troubleshooting

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