Each org has a shard it's on, right? api.meraki.com attempts to identify the shard for your organization, then redirects to the correct shard. In this case, n151.
If you want to know the shard for a specific organization, you can use Get Organizations and then trim the org['url'] kinda like this. I'm using Python. Try running this in a Python shell.
Then you can just pass that to your request statement instead of api.meraki.com. Can speed things up a little...
org = {"id": "random", "name": "Test", "url": "https://n263.meraki.com/gibberish"}
print(f"Original URL: {org['url']}")
urlLength = org['url'].find('com') + 3
orgShard = org['url'][8:urlLength]
print(f"Trimmed shard URL: {orgShard}")