gatewayVlanId in /appliance/staticRoute API Path

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gatewayVlanId in /appliance/staticRoute API Path

Have a question about a field in the API for creating Static Routes:

The schema mentions the field: 'gatewayVlanId', however there does not appear to be a matching field in the GUI. 

Does anyone have any guidance on what this field is used for? When you create a route in the GUI, this field is blank, what does adding this field change in the behavior of the appliance route?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

No clue. Can't find any documentation on the use case for it. But I did find an open bug that says once a route is created or edited to have a value in that field it cannot be removed. So, I would steer clear of it.

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