Way to search a network by name instade of ID


Way to search a network by name instade of ID


Is there a way to get the ID of a network if have the Organisation ID and the Name ?

We have thousands of networks so it take to long to get all and check in the Json Resluts ...

Thanks for your helps 🙂

1 Accepted Solution

I don't think there is a way to do this unfortunately.


One way I have gotten around it a bit is to periodically retrieve all the networks, and store a dictionary of names and IDs. If you have a way to quickly retrieve the dictionary from some sort of storage (S3 for example if you use AWS) you can quickly get the IDs by name then call the /networks/{networkId} endpoint.


There's trade-offs of course, especially depending on how often you update your dictionary. Hope that helps a little!

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3 Replies 3

I don't think there is a way to do this unfortunately.


One way I have gotten around it a bit is to periodically retrieve all the networks, and store a dictionary of names and IDs. If you have a way to quickly retrieve the dictionary from some sort of storage (S3 for example if you use AWS) you can quickly get the IDs by name then call the /networks/{networkId} endpoint.


There's trade-offs of course, especially depending on how often you update your dictionary. Hope that helps a little!

Thanks for the reply that what we do.

Hop one day Meraki will add the search by name. like on dashboard.

We will win some API call :).



Agreed. My api script, you have to foreach ($org in $orgs) then foreach ($network in $networks) which takes many, MANY API calls. 


I have over 60 orgs+ 250+ networks and this takes about 1-2 minutes. 


Better to store the value in a file somewhere to search manually if you need to. 


You can always export-csv and sort per your own parameters. 



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