VPN Tunnel Outages times

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VPN Tunnel Outages times

Hello Merakians,


I am trying to create a monthly report for outages on our VPN Tunnels between our Hub and Spokes during business hours.  I've been reading through the API docs and I'm not seeing a way to retrieve loss with the time it occurred.  The GET appliance vpn stats call only retrieves average, min and max loss percentage.  Under Organization - VPN Status, if you hover over the any red area in the Connectivity status, it will show the times that the MX was disconnected but I am not seeing a way to get that information via API.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I agree with you, I don't think you can retrieve the times.


I don't know if this will work, but try searching the events in the Dashboard and see if anything is logged around when you have had an outage.  Then you might be able to retrieve all the events and search on those.

Getting noticed

I agree this is one gap I have noticed as well.  This and true availability.  If availability is what you are after we monitor this via a polling server to the gateways of the remotes.  You can do this with some open source NMS systems such OpenNMS or LibreNMS but neither have great reporting options from what I have seen.

Here to help

Appreciate the responses, I'll look into both of these suggestions. 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

I think you might be able to use the general events call:   https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/#!get-network-events

You'd need to make this against all your target MX networks, with productType appliance, event type vpn_connectivity_change   You will get an event each for down (connectivity: false) and up (connectivity: true)


of course, if you already have a syslog server, it may be easier to crunch the log information stored there.

Building a reputation

Hi, I work for a company called Highlight that has a SaaS Service Assurance platform that's designed to do exactly this. We just released our January update that includes Meraki SD-WAN functionality to collect data via the Dashboard API and report on Meraki MX tunnels and tests. It's new functionality and I'm very keen to find some extra beta testers, if any of you are interested I'd be happy to provide free access for a while? Please drop me a message if you're interested.

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