Trouble Retrieving MX Device Performance Score

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Trouble Retrieving MX Device Performance Score

Hello Meraki, 

I am currently facing an issue with retrieving device performance scores for certain MX appliances. The API I am using is this:

One of our appliances has the model MX250, which I assume was a standard appliance model. However, when querying the performance score for this device, I encountered the error: 

{"errors":["Feature not supported"]}

This error could not be replicated when querying the performance scores of other MX250 devices. I am not familiar with appliances and suspect there could be a setting within the problematic appliance that prevented the uploading of its performance score to Meraki. 

Appreciate any input with regards to the matter, thank you!

3 Replies 3
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

As per the DevNet site, only a primary MX device is supported if you have a network in HA. What version of firmware is your MX running?


Mind dropping me a DM with the serial number of the MX and I can take peek on my side?

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For some reason, I was unable to send a message to you, kept facing the "invalid html" error but nothing was highlighted 😕

Is there another way I could reach you?

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

I've DM'd you 🙂 

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