Timeline on getOrganizationDevicesBootsHistory option for MR uptimes

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Timeline on getOrganizationDevicesBootsHistory option for MR uptimes

Hi all,


Just seeing if anyone knows of a timeline on the getOrganizationDevicesBootsHistory API endpoint (GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/boots/history) being available for wireless?


Our devs went looking for it and couldn't see it available, I noted the Device uptime page subtle wording in the Wireless section not mentioning the API reporting. v1-beta notes also state only MS's are supported.


Surprised this is not an option yet...

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal

While someone else may have an answer they can share, generally anyone who knows a timeline (if it exists) is not going to be allowed to communicate it. If you reach out to your account rep they may be able to get you info under NDA.

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To be expected really, it was more a post in case they are close enough to at least say 'oh it's coming soon to Early Access API' or similar

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

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That is true for the Dashboard GUI and we do see the uptime, but not from the API

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Can you share in a private message the serial number you’re looking at?

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