RADIUS Server secret is not correct when adding via API

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RADIUS Server secret is not correct when adding via API

I'm pushing switch access policies using:


Everything looks great on the dashboard after I add them except for the RADIUS secret that shows when I click the "Show" button on the dashboard. The secret that is shown is incorrect, and is the same every time even when I change the secret I'm sending via API. Example of my payload:


"radiusServers": [
"host": "",
"port": 1812,
"secret": "secretcode"
"host": "",
"port": 1812,
"secret": "acompletelydifferentsecretcode"

In the above example, both of the secrets would appear as the same in the dashboard. Am I doing something wrong here or is this an issue with the API?

1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It never shows the real secret even if you add it from the dashboard itself. Its always the same "fake" secret. But the real one you entered should be used

View solution in original post

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

when I click the "Show" button on the dashboard


You can't show the shared secret on the dashboard. What are you refering to ?

I have the option to show the secret on the servers on my Access Policies pages:





Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

It never shows the real secret even if you add it from the dashboard itself. Its always the same "fake" secret. But the real one you entered should be used

Interesting. Good to know - not sure why the "show" option is even there if it won't actually show it.  I suppose just for confirmation when entering it. Thanks!

And that UI is only present because you enabled Org-Wide Radius server which is a feature currently in Early-Access.


EDIT : I had already "flagged" this via : https://community.meraki.com/t5/Dashboard-Administration/Org-level-RADIUS-Server-Open-discussion/m-p...

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