How can I find based on a switch serial if it is assigned to a switch profile

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How can I find based on a switch serial if it is assigned to a switch profile

Hello guys, i tried a workaround today with this call


this call should return that profile parameter which shows the id of the switch profile. The problem is that running this call in postman/ script , with the latest api, is not returning that profile attribute, even if the switch is 100% assigned to a switch profile. Am I doing something wrong ? Is there other way to list the association between switches and switch profiles ? Thanks

3 Replies 3
Getting noticed

I’m pretty sure the profile you are looking at there is the security profile for the port, not the switch.  

I take that back. Think I’m wrong there. 

Kind of a big deal

If you use the Get Device Endpoint, does it return the switchProfileId?

RHB@wopr ~ % curl -L --request GET \
--url<serial> \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
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