async def get_organizations(): async with meraki.aio.AsyncDashboardAPI( api_key, base_url="", output_log = False, print_console = False, suppress_logging=True, wait_on_rate_limit=True, ##### do wait if rate limited maximum_retries=100 ##### set the retry limit ) as aiomeraki: organizations= await aiomeraki.organizations.getOrganizations() return organizations #################################################################################### FUNCTIONS #################################### async def get_template_name(org_id,config_template_id😞 async with meraki.aio.AsyncDashboardAPI( api_key, base_url="", output_log = False, print_console = False, suppress_logging=True, wait_on_rate_limit=True, ##### do wait if rate limited maximum_retries=100 ##### set the retry limit ) as aiomeraki: template=await aiomeraki.organizations.getOrganizationConfigTemplate( org_id, config_template_id ) template_name=template['name'] return template_name async def append_template(network,org_id😞 template_list=[] if network['isBoundToConfigTemplate']==True: template_name= await get_template_name(org_id,network['configTemplateId']) template= {"id" :network['configTemplateId'], "name" :"Template - "+ template_name } if template not in template_list: template_list.append(template) elif network['isBoundToConfigTemplate']==False: network={"id":network['id'],"name":"Network - " +network['name']} if network not in template_list: template_list.append(network) # await asyncio.sleep(1) return template_list #################################################################################### ROUTES ####################################### @app.route("/") async def render_organizations(): organizations=await get_organizations() return render_template("organizations.html",organizations=organizations) @app.route('/<org_id>') async def organization_detail(org_id😞 organization_id = org_id async with meraki.aio.AsyncDashboardAPI( api_key, base_url="", output_log=False, print_console=False, suppress_logging=True, wait_on_rate_limit=True, ##### do wait if rate limited maximum_retries=100 ##### set the retry limit ) as aiomeraki: try: networks = await aiomeraki.organizations.getOrganizationNetworks( organization_id, total_pages="all" ) except OSError as e: print(e) template_list = [] # create a list of all network template tasks network_template_tasks = [append_template(net, org_id) for net in networks] # iterate over the completed tasks as they finish for coro in asyncio.as_completed(network_template_tasks😞 # await asyncio.sleep(2) template_list.extend(await coro) return render_template("templates.html", templates=template_list). I think i am missing something... The page loads correct and quick if it has a small number of networks. If it has a big number of networks, i think it is not even loading, but i am not getting erros . I tried doing a get in postman while waiting to load te response for a specific organizations and i got "errors": [ "API rate limit exceeded for organization" ]
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